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Francesco Graziadei  | Partner |
Attorney with rights of audience before the country’s highest courts.

Practice Areas:
Industrial and Intellectual Property, Electronic Communications and Media Law, and Competition Law.

Mr. Graziadei mainly handles matters related to intellectual property involving intellectual works and entrepreneurial activities in the publishing and old and new media sectors. He also acts as an advisor with regard to the legislative and regulatory aspects of the television and electronic communications market.

With regard to traditional publishing and the television industry, he handles national and international contracts in connection with publishing, production, the acquisition of intellectual property rights, the distribution of television programs on electronic communications networks. He has also assisted important Italian telecommunications operators in the negotiation of international contracts and in their participation in the tender for the award of UMTS licenses. He represents clients in their proceedings before both the Italian Competition Authority and the Italian Communications Authority.

Education, Teaching and Publications:
Degree in law from La Sapienza University in Rome.      

He lectures in Industrial and Electronic Communications Law at the Department of Law at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome.            

He has lectured in National and EU Competition Law, Copyright, Electronic Communications and Media Law in master’s degree programmes run by the Departments of Law and Economics at LUISS Guido Carli University, and at some postgraduate courses organised by that same university and LUISS Business School. He has coordinated postgraduate courses on Information Technologies.  

Proprietà intellettuale e concorrenza, corso di diritto industriale", a cura di Gustavo Ghidini e Giovanni Cavani, co-autore Capitolo IV, Diritto d'autore - febbraio 2021.

Net neutrality, negli USA si va ai tempi supplementari in Key4Biz, 17 May 2018, published at

ITmedia – LUISS Dream report “
La migliore regolazione per lo sviluppo della Gigabit Society. Tecnologie abilitanti, evoluzione dei servizi e best option infrastrutturali”, March 2018, published at

Trattato di Diritto Civile a cura di Paolo Cendon - Proprietà Intellettuale e concorrenza a cura di A. Clemente, V. Falce, A.M. Gambino,
Capitolo 55: Concorrenza sleale per denigrazione ed appropriazione di pregi, Giuffrè, 2017.

LUISS Dream – OPICC participation in the European Commission’s “
Public consultation on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception'“, published at

ITmedia – LUISS Dream report
Il video e la terza rivoluzione di internet: tendenze di mercato e prospettive di policy”, 2016, published at and also at

L’internet delle cose: una prima ricognizione delle problematiche regolatorie”, in Gustavo Olivieri and Valeria Falce (eds), Smart Cities e diritto dell’innovazione, Giurisprudenza Commerciale series, March 2016.

Google news, siamo sicuri che gli editori possano farsi pagare?” in Corriere comunicazioni, 15 December 2015:

La Corte d’Appello americana apre la strada all’appropriazionismo” (comment on the well known Richard Prince vs. Patrick Cariou case), in Diritto 24, Il Sole 24 Ore, 16 May 2013:

Appropriationism in contemporary art and fair use doctrine (USA) vs. exceptions and limitations (EU), speech at the International Bar Association’s 2012 Rome Conference, “New Art: New Legal Challenges” held at MAXXI, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea XXI Secolo, Rome, 17-18 May 2012, forthcoming.

‘Bottle-next’ in the ICT: access to IPR, interoperability and competition. Do we need more regulation? in Diritto Mercato e tecnologia, no. 1, 2012.          

Copyright related aspects of the broadband distribution of content”, in Diritto Mercato e tecnologia, no. 3, 2011.

Comments on articles 78-quater (sports rights), 79 (television rights) and 144 – 155 (copyright in connection with successive sales of works of art) of the Copyright Act (Law No. 633/1941) in C. Galli and A. Gambino (eds), Codice Commentato della proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale, UTET, 2011.

Gestione dello spettro radioelettrico: indicazioni comunitarie in merito alla transizione alla tv digitale, in Diritto ed Economia dei mezzi di comunicazione, no. 1/2009.          

Comunicazione on-line: brevi spunti in tema di legge applicabile”, in proceedings of the conference “Scenari e prospettive del diritto d’autore”, held at Università Europea di Roma, 27 May 2008.        

Reti e contenuti nella prospettiva della convergenza: scenari ed opzioni aperte dallo sviluppo del digitale (co-authored with G. Rizzo and A. Stazi), in Diritto dell’Informazione e dell’Informatica, no.3, 2005.

Accesso al mercato delle reti e dei contenuti nella transizione alla tv digitale terrestre”, in Contratto e Impresa, no. 1, 2005.               

Codice delle comunicazioni elettroniche: un quadro regolamentare ‘convergente’?, in Temi Romana, January – April 2003.

Il servizio universale nelle telecomunicazioni. Suggerimenti dall'esperienza americana in merito ad alcuni aspetti qualificanti”, Giuffrè, January 2000, Working Papers series published by the Intellectual Property, Competition and Communications Oversight Body (OPICC) at LUISS - Ceradi.         


MIBACT/ DG-BIC, CREDA, Università Europea di Roma, 11 September 2019. Direttiva copyright, le sfide del recepimento in Italia, relazione su "Nuovi regimi di responsabilità degli intermediari".

Università Europea di Roma, International Institute of Communications, 17 May 2019. La regolazione dei servizi di comunicazione nella Gigabit society, relazione su " La disciplina del servizio universale nel nuovo codice europeo delle comunicazioni elettroniche".

Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) - International Institute of Communications, 28 September 2018. Workshop on Infrastructure competition and network separation. What's next?intervento su "The infrastructure regulation in the Gigabit society". 

Università LUISS Guido Carli, 11 November 2016. Diritto d'autore e servizi media audiovisivi nel mercato unico digitale, intervento su regolazione e responsabilità delle Video Sharing Platform.

AREL - Agenzia di Ricerca e Legislazione fondata da Nino Andreatta, 10 November 2016. Tutela del diritto d’autore e mercato digitale, intervento su "Le nuove norme europee in tema di copyright nell'ambito della Digital Single Market Strategy".

ALAI Italia (Gruppo italiano dell’Association Littéraire et Artistique Internationale), Luiss Guido Carli, Università Europea di Roma, MiBACT, 13 October 2016. Prove di resistenza del diritto d'autore. I modelli di distribuzione delle opere sulle piattaforme digitali , intervento su "Servizi on line e direttiva sui Servizi Media Audiovisivi; portabilità e territorialità; windows".

Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) conference, 14 June 2016: presentation as co-author of the ITmedia – LUISS Dream report “Il video e la terza rivoluzione di internet: tendenze di mercato e prospettive di policy”.              

European Policy Centre - Digital Media Task Force conference, Brussels, organised for the presentation by the European Commission of the new draft directive on audiovisual media services, 2 June 2016: presentation as co-author of the ITMedia Consulting – LUISS Dream report “Il video e la terza rivoluzione di Internet: tendenze di mercato e prospettive di policy”.

Italian Academy for the Internet Code
(IAIC) lunch seminar on the regulation of audiovisual sports rights, 4 May 2016: presentation of introductory report.     

LUISS Guido Carli University conference on “Web e legalità: il futuro del diritto d’autore”, 10 April 2014: presentation of report “Web e regolazione dell’audiovisivo”.

Italian Competition Authority
(AGCM) conference on “Proprietà intellettuale e antitrust: conflitto o sinergia?”, 26 March 2014: presentation of report “Copyright e nuove tecnologie: profili concorrenziali”.

Institute for the Development and Advanced Management of Information
(INFORAV), with the sponsorship of the Confederation of Italian Industry, conference on “Problematiche giuridiche emergenti nella Società dell’Informazione”, 15 May 2013: presentation of report “Profili normativi e giurisprudenziali in tema di responsabilità degli Internet Service Providers”.        

IBA - International Bar Association, 17/18 May 2012. 2012 Rome Conference, “New Art: New Legal Challenges” – MAXXI, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea XXI secolo, relazione su Appropriationism in contemporary art and fair use doctrine (USA) vs exceptions and limitations (Ue).

Public Appointments:
He was a member of the permanent advisory copyright committee set up by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development.
He is a member of the board of governors of the Italian Chapter of the International Institute of Communications.

From March 2007 to April 2008, he was a member of the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Communications.       

He was a member (2007/2008) of the Copyright and New Technologies Special Commission, set up within the Permanent Advisory Copyright Committee of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage.              

In 2003-­2006 he contributed, as an advisor to some members of parliament, to various bills on radio and television matters.             

In the 1998­-2001 he was a legal advisor to the Deputy Speaker of the Senate, sponsor of many bills on radio and television matters. On behalf of the Italian Delegation at the European Commission, he prepared a periodic report on community law which outlined the initial liberalisation of telecommunications.

He is a member of the steering committee of the Italian Academy for the Internet Code (IAIC).

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