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Gianfranco Graziadei  | Il Fondatore |
Prof. Avv. Gianfranco Graziadei has been the founder of Graziadei Studio Legale in Rome, Via Gramsci 54. 

He graduated in Law at La Sapienza University of Rome in 1960 and became professor of Commercial Law in 1966. 

He was a pupil of Alberto Asquini, who supervised his first monograph, which proposed a systematic framework for the Convenzione d’Assegno. 

He initially lectured at Universities of Macerata and Perugia. Then he became professor of Commercial Law at the Faculty of Economics of LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome, for which he had acted as a consultant for the transformation process which, through a significant change of ownership and approach, led between 1974 and 1977 to the transformation of the Pro Deo University into the current LUISS University.

Then he teached Banking Law at Gabriele d’Annunzio University of Pescara, before returning to LUISS University, where he was for many years full professor of Banking and Stock Exchange Law.

After a training at Giacomo Molle’s Law Firm, partecipating as an editor of Banca Borsa Titoli di Credito law review which at the time was edited at Molle’s Law Firm, he continued his professional career at the legal office of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. There he was immediately invested in important international affairs, such as the resolution of significant problems relating to the Bank’s New York – Rockefeller Center offices and the business continuity of Nave Italia (Crociere d’Oltre Mare, then Home Lines, then Princess Cruisers), a cruise ship launched in 1965 that operated on the west coast of the USA, whose construction was financed by the Bank.

In 1970 he contributed to the foundation of Servizio Italia, the first trust company of BNL (founded by BNL and BNP). He was General Director and CEO of Servizio Italia since its foundation and until he returned to practice in 1982.

In 1986 he founded a Law Firm together with Giovanni Ferreri, consolidating the litigation profile. After that, he founded Graziadei Studio Legale as a professional association, structuring the Firm with his closest professionals and contributing to the constant professional growth of his collaborators.

Over the years, he consolidated relationship with university friends and colleagues, which joined the Firm, such as professors Mario Buoncristiano, Giuseppe Santoni, Gustavo Ghidini, Antonio Tizzano, Gian Michele Roberti, Antonio D'Aloia, Fabio Bassan.

He created and supervised a group of professionals that provided advice to Ministry of Economy in important privatizations, closed challenging joint venture, M&A and restructuring operations, and managed important legal controversies.

He carried out high-profile institutional consultancies, such as in the case of the preparation of the law on mutual funds in the early 1980s in favor of the Finance Commission of Camera dei Deputati. 

He has been a component of the technical committee for the tax law reform at Ministry of Finance for three years, of the experts committee for international contracts at Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti, and of the scientific committee of credit at Confindustria.

Since the foundation of the Firm, he always combined his profession with appointments in the top management of important companies: he has been President of the Board of Auditors of Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani for many years, Vice-President of Elettronica S.p.A., President of the Board of Auditors of Autostar Immobiliare S.p.A., Common Representative of Bondholders of Alitalia S.p.A., Advisor and President of Supervisory Body of Sol S.p.A.
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